Travis Satterfield - Guitar/Vocals
Travis founded Bricks In The Wall in 1998 and it has become the longest touring Pink Floyd Tribute in the United States. Travis had always wanted to put together a Pink Floyd band and had visions of not just a cover band, but a full fledged tribute band complete with backup singers, video, lasers and lights, recreating the sight and sound of Pink Floyd as accurately as possible. He has enjoyed seeing his vision grow from an early on local band playing in small clubs to today, touring the lower half of the US playing to thousands nightly, including growing to be the House of Blues – Dallas, Houston and New Orleans exclusive tribute band.
Travis had always put an emphasis on authenticity and strived to make the experience as close a possible to a Pink Floyd concert as possible. “In my opinion there is no other band that created such a stamp on their brand and style of music than Pink Floyd. You can instantly recognize a Pink Floyd song when you hear it. Their concerts where an experience and I wanted ours to mimic that experience as close as we possibly can.” Travis is in many ways a perfectionist and has worked hard putting together an impressive list of vintage instruments to try to recreate the sound, including his prized possession, a vintage Yamaha RA 200 rotating speaker cabinet.
Travis is proud of where the band has come in its 20 years of touring. “We have just an amazing group of uber-talented musicians and crew that I am so lucky to be a part of. There is no way we would be where we are without their passion, drive and fun they put into the band. Our band and crew is unbelievable and its amazing how things over the years fell into place to help create what this show is today.”